Web page ?


·       These are the set of information which is get     displayed over the web browsers.

·       A web page is a single hypertext document available on World Wide Web (WWW). It is composed of HTML elements and displayed on the user's browser such as Mozilla, FirefoxChrome, etc.


              like :

                             Internet Explorer

                             Google Chrome

                             Mozilla FireFox


                             Netscape Navigator



·       A webpage is a document written in HTML and can be viewed on any web browser. It is contained within the web server, which can be accessed by entering the URL for that web page, and once it is loaded, it appears on the user's web browser.

·        Each webpage is linked with a unique URL; hence two pages cannot have the same URL.


              -> They Can store Text,Image,Audio,Video...etc.



              -> They are transfered over the Network using the

HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)


              -> We can access them from remote computer using

              thier unique URL.


              -> To design the Web page we use HTML (Hyper Text

              Markup Language)

Some Languages and Technologies used to create Web Pages :

Types of Web Page :


                                             i.      Static web page

                                           ii.      Dynamic web page

Static web page :



Dynamic web page :


                             java script, jquery, vb script, php, java ,




Static web page do not update the it's content until we

make any change in coading. It does not intract with user's.

(does not take any input and does not provide any output after processing)



Dynamic web page can intract with user at run time, it can take input and process the data also. like register page,login page, result page,.....


Used in Communication,Chatting,mailing,DataBase Accessing,

online Shopping, Internet Banking ....etc.



Working with Static Web page using HTML :



              -> It is a web page description language.

              -> It specify what is to be displayed over the web   page and how it will looks like.

              -> It specify the formate or designing of the web page




Elements of HTML :


                                           1. Basic Tags

                                           2. container Tags

                                           3. Non Container Tags



                             3.Event Handlers


                             4.Forms and Frames


                             5. Data (text,images,....)



How to create and run web page using HTML ?


              Open Notepad -> Write Information using HTML Tags


              -> Save the Page using extension .html


              -> Now Open this page



Writing HTML Tags : <......>

Basic HTML Tags :






note : all the tag must be closed. by slash (/) like </body>


complete structure:














Note :

Basically whole html document is devided into 2 sections:

1.       Head Section and

2.       Body section.


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